Build a Course. Monetize Your Knowledge.

Kwakwa is the ultimate course creation tool designed for creators who thrive on social media.
KwaKwa offers a familiar, social-like experience with vertical videos, interactive stories, and time-saving Ai features, making it easy for you to create and teach like a pro.

Creators love us!

Don’t listen to us, listen to them

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Join 1,000+ Creators Already Monetizing with KwaKwa

How are we different?

Short Courses

Our courses are usually 60-80 minutes long, delivered to participants in 10-15 episodes, during 3-5 days. No fluff and no boring stuff - just straight to the point.

Super Easy

If you know how to create an Instagram Story or a TikTok video, you know how to create on KwaKwa. Easy mobile UX with everything you need to deliver your knowledge to your audience.

Mobile Optimized

Your audience is already getting all their content on mobile, so why should you create a desktop course for them? With KwaKwa, you create vertical, mobile-optimized content, delivered in 9x16.

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Let one of our content experts help you transform your knowledge into bite-sized, engaging learning experiences.

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