It's like social,
but private

Use Kwakwa to stay in touch with your family and friends, and make your private groups visual through an engaging feed of stories.

Stay connected with the people you love and share your life with them. 

Hangout, the visual way, with your
Community Network Audience Team College club Fantasy league Members Course

Create Your
Own Space

100% Real

100% Private

100% Friends 

Customize your Feed

The freedom to
shape your feed

Choose from solo creator, who shares great content with members, to a full-featured community tool with discussions, connections, and creations.

Internal sphere or public space

Take your community to new heights -  Let members share content anywhere beyond the feed, amplify your online presence, and strengthen your community's bond.

Everything is under control

Admins and group leaders have the flexibility to manage the feed, and to decide what works for you and for your audience.

Unlimited Ways to
Express Yourself

You can select any media piece to the feed and share it with the community, No design or code needed!









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